ART GALLERYComité Monégasque
de l’A.I.A.P.

Art -Box. Store, member of Monaco Committee for l'AIAP (International Association of Plastic Arts) is aiming to create a large and inclusive art community: emerging and renowned artists, self-taught and professionals and art lovers.
Our vision fosters and promotes artist’s creativity in all its forms and connects them through the universal language of arts.

Comité Monégasque
de l’A.I.A.P.

10 Quai Antoine (1st floor)
98000 Monaco

EXHIBITIONLightness – State of Mind

In a rushing world where everyone is striving to achieve greater and greater goals, we want to show that lightness is a state of mind.
Through art, we can stop for a moment and feel the light.
Our artists strive to find a balance between the hardship of this world and the peace of soul, which we all have our own influence on.

Artists presented: Bartosz Fraczek, Ania Pabis-Guillaume, Michal Zaborowski, Tomasz Lubaszka, Magda Uchronska, Theseus